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Reflexology is a safe and effective therapy to use with babies and children, encouraging health and wellbeing, promoting bonding and comforting, soothing digestive complaints, and boosting the immune system.
My own experience with training in reflexology began when my then 2 year old asked me to rub her feet before bed one night, I then started to look into studying it as it was great at soothing her to sleep and also helping with bedtime anxiety which she had.
When I completed my reflexology training I began practicing on both my babies quite frequently, and it really began to show it’s massive benefits when it came to children.
My youngest suffered with constipation and sometimes still does, she would have a fear of going to the toilet in a new place so if we went away for a couple of days her little tummy would be in bits, I soon began working the digestive sequence on her and it took effect in a couple of hours.

During a Little buds session, I will teach the Mum or Dad the techniques involved to help the little one once they get home as well as giving them a full little buds treatment. The whole thing can be done in about an hour with repeat sessions if needed.


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